
This post is a day late with Master's permission. I don't know why but I am just so tired and stressed out lately. Okay, I know why. And it is work related. And I don't really want to get into that on here anymore, but suffice to say it is effecting me at home. I... Continue Reading →


My neck has been absolutely horrible lately. My fibromyalgia has been kicked into high gear specifically in my neck, and I have no idea why. Master worked on it really roughly a couple of days ago and for a full 24 hours it felt much, much better. But here it is tonight and my neck... Continue Reading →


This post is a day late with Master's permission. Things have been stressful and hectic around here. And then add to that that this time of year isn't easy on Master and add onto that the fact that over the past few months whenever I get close to my period my emotional roller coaster goes... Continue Reading →


This post is a day late with Master's permission. Master has been a lot more physical with me lately. In a good way. And I have to say that I feel that it is helping me stay in the proper head space. He hasn't really commented on it much one way or another but He... Continue Reading →

Surprise Pictures

Well, Master has suggested that I just keep the blog where it is for now and go from there. I just made sure to make a new password that I have never used anywhere before. (Which was fun to try and figure out by the way...) Hopefully it'll stay safe now. Anyway, I am going... Continue Reading →


It has been almost a month since my last post. A lot has gone on since then. Part of the reason I hadn't posted is because I was locked out of my account and had to work with customer service to get control of it again. I changed the password but am now not sure... Continue Reading →

Checking In

Master read my last post and while He understands that it was important for me to type that out, He commented on the fact that I haven't done a truly dynamic based post in a long time. So I told Him that I would do another post. This one has no due date, so it... Continue Reading →

Crisis In My Own Head

Okay, so I am sure all of you know by now that I am bipolar. I have been on one medication since I was diagnosed. The dosage has been upped over time and there have been times where my shrink added a second medication because the first one wasn't cutting it and we couldn't up... Continue Reading →


I was supposed to dress up two weeks ago. On the week of our pay day I am to dress up for Him and do a blog post. So basically, the dressing up is due at the same time. Well, getting the blog post done on time is easy enough. But with how early one... Continue Reading →

Sleeping Arrangements

I know that this post is a couple of days late, however that is with Master's permission. Believe it or not quite a bit has changed in two weeks. Go figure. Our ferret is doing great and so is our mutt! Although our mutt still isn't sure what to make of the ferret yet. He... Continue Reading →

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